
RepairUndergroundGeneralRelieving Water Pressure on Shotcrete Lining by Integrating a Drainage Mesh

Johnny Poulsen & Sergii Tabachnikov

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Underground construction, especially a tunnel, is one of the most complex challenges in the field of civil engineering. Dolenco Drain is an innovative solution which addresses many of the difficulties with controlling or eliminating water pressure in an easy, safe, long-term, and cost-effective manner.


UndergroundStructuralGeneralEarly Age Strength Testing for Shotcrete: 2024

Christoph Goss, Norbert Fuegenschuh, Lauro Lacerda, Kevin Robertson, and Shaun Radomski

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For improved safety in tunneling and mining projects that use shotcrete for ground support, early shotcrete strength should be evaluated by testing. Based on their range of effectiveness, two procedures stand out: The new Hilti BX 3-SCT stud driving method and the beam end tester.


UndergroundStructuralInternationalGeneralThe Application of Shotcrete in Shafts: Work Preparation and Construction Based on Various Projects in Central Europe

By Paul von der Hoeh, Norbert Fuegenschuh, Richard Gradnik

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Shotcrete shafts often present unique challenges for construction projects. In many cases the construction method is different from the one used in the main tunnel (often using a TBM), presenting challenges recruiting experienced and certified personnel for the shaft works.


ArchitecturalUndergroundStructuralGeneralPolymer Rubber Gel Technology: High-Performance Waterproofing for Shotcrete and Blind-Side Applications

By John H. Huh

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The innovative GTS Polymer Rubber Gel waterproofing systems are proven and effective for underground construction applications.


RepairUndergroundStructuralGeneralSummary of ‘Guideline on the Applicability of Fiber-Reinforced Shotcrete for Ground Support in Mines’

By Rym Msatef and Marc Jolin

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This guide examines and provides a description of the common testing methods used for FRS and how to interpret the information generated for ground support in mines.


ArchitecturalUndergroundStructuralGeneralUpdated Fiber-reinforced Shotcrete Testing Standard — Faster, Easier and Better!

Bill Gears and Benoit de Rivaz

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The updated fiber-reinforced shotcrete testing standard in underground projects provides not just significant cost savings, but just as critical, helps us to significantly reduce the carbon impact of the underground construction industry and provide for a better environment and future for us all.


RepairUndergroundStructuralThe Rondout Bypass Tunnel Shafts – Shotcrete Lining

Paul Madsen, Bade Sozer, Thomas Hennings, & Eileen Test

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The Rondout-West Branch Tunnel (RWBT), a segment of the Delaware Aqueduct (the Aqueduct), was built from 1937 to 1944 and provides about 50% of New York City’s total water supply. The tunnel is concrete lined and has a finished inside diameter of 13.5 ft (4.1



Kristina Smith

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The Tuscarora Mountain Tunnels in Pennsylvania have a fascinating history. The older of the two tunnels, built between 1938 and 1940, was designed to carry a railroad that never came into service. Industrialists of the day, William Henry Vanderbilt and Andrew Carnegie, were backers of



George Machikas

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Exchange Place Station 9-Car Program is a vital part of the $1 billion PATH system improvement plan unveiled in 2019. The improvements to the 111-yearold system will allow for longer 9-car trains on the Newark/ World Trade Center Line. The objective was to add capacity


UndergroundStructuralInternationalSHOTCRETE AT MT PLEASANT STATION

Shaun Radomski, Lloyd Keller, Daniel Sanchez, Dudley R. Morgan

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Multi-million dollar underground stations are currently under construction on Metro and LRT lines in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Traditionally, the thick, heavily reinforced structural concrete station walls have been constructed using the conventional form-and-pour concrete construction method. This construction method, while widely used, is not without