UndergroundStructuralSteel Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete, It is time to find out about it.
Mike Ballou
Read MoreIn an age when the building, tunneling, and in some areas, minÂing industry, is thriving in North America, we in the shotcrete industry should be looking for ways to increase productivity and save on ever-increasing labor costs. This type of thinking often requires the use
UndergroundEstimating Volume of Shotcrete for Mining Applications
David F. Wood
Read MoreTraditionally, there has been a rather ad hoc attitude toÂwards technical supervision of mining engineering ground control programs, to the extent that the preparation and enforcement of specifications has not been a major issue. In certain locations, however, the dominant use of conÂtracting companies to
UndergroundInternationalShotcrete Applications at Northparkes E26 Mine
Stephen Duffield, B.Sc.
Read MoreShotcrete was used extensively during construction of Northparkes E26 Underground Mine, Australia’s first block cave mine. Applications for the shotcrete included ground support, ground control, construction, safety, protection of equipment and remedial repairs. This article details the various uses for the 16,700 m3 (22,000 yd3)
UndergroundInternationalShotcrete for Underground Support in Brazil
Pedro Boscov
Read MoreShotcrete has been used in Brazil since the 1950s, mainly in minor works of slope stabilization and repairs in concrete structures. It was only in the 1960s that it started to be used in underground work. The Furnas Hydroelectric Project had some sections of its
UndergroundDry, Pre-mixed Shotcrete Supply for Tunnels and Mines
Hugo Armelin, Neil Duke, Jorge Montegu, Luis Contreras
Read MoreTunneling and mining projects use shotcrete primarily as a means of ground support. Immediate application of shotcrete provides stability of the working face, preventÂing loose rock from initiating movement and thus permitÂting incremental advances of underground openings even in the worst ground conditions (type V
RepairUndergroundRehabilitation of Sanitary and Storm Sewers Using Shotcrete
W.L Snow
Read MoreThe infrastructure of the United States is crumbling above, below, and around us. A considerable segment of the public and private engineering community is currently engaged in solving a geoÂmetrically increasing problem with geometrically decreasing funds. The problem is often compounded since maintenance of public
UndergroundStructuralShotcrete Reinforcement
Dr. Rusty Morgan
Read MoreBefore the 1970s, shotcrete was reinforced either with conventional reinforcing steel welded wire mesh fabric, or in some inÂstances with chain-link mesh or even chicken mesh. In the early 1970s the con-Dr. D.R. (Rusty) cept of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete