PoolRecreationalSynthetic Mesofibers: The Sustainable and Practical Solution for Shotcrete´s Pool Industry
Raúl Bracamontes and Javier Busto
Read MoreThe construction industry has witnessed a paradigm shift in recent years with a growing emphasis on innovative materials and techniques. One such advancement that has gained significant attention is the use of synthetic fiber-reinforced shotcrete (SFRS) in the construction of swimming pools. Traditional concrete structures
PoolRecreationalWater’s Edge
Bill Drakeley
Read MoreThe Water’s Edge pool project was a contracted water feature that drew its contemporary design from the architecture of the new house addition. The house is a modern version of the old coastal mansions once built and adorned by the Rockefellers, Morgans, and Vanderbilts. The
PoolRecreationalShaw Residence
Andy Duck
Read MoreHow does one provide a backyard transformation that includes a water-in-transit pool, complete with all the outdoor living amenities one could ask for when facing a 75° waterfront sand cliff located on an ever-shifting chain of barrier islands susceptible to a multitude of severe weather
PoolInternationalRecreationalTHUNDERBIRD FALLS
Dan Pitts
Read MoreBuilding a swimming pool on the edge of a cliff can be an exciting and challenging project, especially when using shotcrete as the main building material. Shotcrete is chosen for its strength, durability, and ability to create complex shapes, which is essential for a pool
Darin A. Brenner and Monica Lake
Read MoreAqua-Environs Construction was subcontracted to provide shotcrete installations as a part of our broader scope of work: construction services to create a naturalistically themed terrestrial and aquatic habitats for Auckland Zoo’s new South East Asia Jungle Track (SEAJT), the Zoo’s most ambitious project in its
PoolRecreationalWatershape University: Filling a Void
Bill Drakeley
Read MoreSwimming pools are so commonplace; it’s easy to take them for granted. When we step back and consider, in specific terms, what the industry is about and what it does, however, we find a profound and even surprising need for education as well as licensing
PoolRecreationalWhy We Need a Design Code for Concrete Pools
Charles Hanskat, PE, F.ACI, F.ASCE, ASA Executive Director
Read MoreThe swimming pool design and construction indus- try is not highly regulated, and in some cases, it is simply not regulated. Some states and municipalities require licensed professional engineers to design all pools. Some jurisdictions require only commercial pools to have a set of plans
PoolPrograma de calificación para contratistas de concreto lanzado para piscinas de ASA
Por Ryan Oakes y Marcus von der Hofen (Raúl Bracamontes, Editor de Traducción)
Read MoreHan sido unos años salvajes en la industria de las piscinas, con un crecimiento en algunas áreas de la industria estimado en más del 500% y desafor- tunadamente no todo es bueno. La pandemia por el COVID 19 atrajo a cientos de miles de clientes
PoolASA Pool Shotcrete Contractor’s Qualification Program
Ryan Oakes & Marcus von der Hofen
Read MoreIt’s been a wild few years in the pool industry with growth in some areas of the industry estimated to be up over 500%, and it’s not all good unfortunately. The COVID Pandemic brought pool buyers out by the hundreds of thousands, and new pool
PoolRecreationalRobust Contentment
Bill Drakeley
Read MoreThis beautiful project, nestled on the Connecticut shores of the Long Island Sound, required a careful balance of robust construction and design, and careful adherence to environmental codes protecting the adjacent oceanic rock formations and biologically sensitive tide pools. “It was a steep challenge,” explains