RepairStructuralNew Mixture Design and Guide Specifications and Inspector’s Manual
Bruce Johnson
Read MoreShotcrete has not traditionally been a material of choice for repair of bridge structures by many state highway departments. One reason for this is that bridge engineers have not been aware of advances in the quality and durability possible with high-performance shotcrete over the last
UndergroundStructuralInternationalShotcrete Red Hot in Peru
Hugo Armelin and Denis Blais
Read MoreAn1amina copper mine is a Sl.2 btltion projcc1 in lhe Andes Mountailh of Peru. The projeci. owned by Canadian mining gi3111S Norandll. J’cck and Rio Afgom, i.s one of the. single largest mining inveso:nents in 1be Americ:iô€€£ at this moment and oomprises the cons1ruction of
UndergroundStructuralThe Use of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Shotcrete for the Support of Mine Openings
Marc Vandewalle
Read MoreWhat separates the support of mining openÂings from the support of similar civil engineering structures is the fact that mine openings have to survive large defonnations as a result of changing stress conditions induced by progressive mining. Steel fibers impart to concrete and shotcrete a
StructuralBig Bad Curves?, Pumping Fiber-Reinforced Wet-Mix Shotcrete
Denis Beaupre and Frederic Chapdelaine
Read MoreMaking good pumpable concrete or wet mix shotcrete is not always easy, especially when fibers are present Adding fibers to ordinary wet-mix shotcrete sometimes re results in nonpalpable or difficult-to-pump concrete. Simply adding superplasticizer 10 fiber-reinforced shotcrete does not always result in a workable mixture.
RepairUndergroundStructuralEvolution of Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete
Dr. Rusty Morgan and R. Here
Read MoreThe concept of reinforcing shotcrete with discrete, disominous steel fibers was developed by the Battelle Research Corporation in the USA in the early 1970s.
UndergroundStructuralInternationalMoab Khotsong Mine, A Mining Engineer’s Perspective on the Application of Steel Fiber Reinforced Wetcrete as a Support Medium in an Ultra Deep Level Mine, Part 1
Jon Buckley
Read MoreA Mining Engineer’s perspective on the Application of Steel Fiber Reinforced Wetcrete as a Support Medium in an Ultra Deep Level Mine.
StructuralResearch in Fiber-Reinforced Shotcrete: Bringing Science to an Art
N. Banthia
Read MoreHistorically and for reasons not entirely clear, shotcrete research has somehow remained out of the mileau of academeic research things have.
RepairStructuralShotcrete with Steel Fiber Helps Reinforce Mount St. Helens Project Savings
Alex Keffalas
Read MoreThirteen-hundred feet (400 m) of the peak collapsed or blew outwards. As a result, 24 square miles of the valley was filled by a debris avalanche of recreation.
UndergroundStructuralInternationalSteel Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete Replaces Cast Concrete Lining, World’s Longest Subsea Road Tunnel
Christine J. Hauck and John Peter Holtmon
Read MoreThe Northcape Tunnel in the Artic Circle in Norway was opened for traffic on June 15, 1999. The project is the longest subsea road tunneltunnel (6820 m or22,000 fl) in the world un1il 1999/ 2()0(). TheNorthcapc¢Tunnel is part of 1he FATIMAÂProject, (he road connection from
UndergroundStructuralSteel Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete, It is time to find out about it.
Mike Ballou
Read MoreIn an age when the building, tunneling, and in some areas, minÂing industry, is thriving in North America, we in the shotcrete industry should be looking for ways to increase productivity and save on ever-increasing labor costs. This type of thinking often requires the use