Responding to an OSHA Inspection

Whether an OSHA inspection of your workplace or construction site is triggered by a workplace injury, a formal complaint, a programmed wallto- wall inspection, or just a spot decision while OSHA happens to drive by your construction site, being preparedbeforehand will help limit exposure and help defend against any citations that may be issued.

Chemistry and Heat Treatment

If you stop and take a look around your shop at your equipment and tools, and maybe the walls and beams of the building itself, you are bound to see dozens or hundreds of individual metal components.

The True Cost of an Injury

When an injury occurs, management will often look at the cost of the injury only as the cost of the insurance statement.

Hose and Fitting Wear

In May of 2016, our company, Madole Construction, participated in the rehabilitation of the historic Lincoln Hall Dormitory at the University of Nevada in Reno, NV.

Cellular Sprayed Concrete

Cellular sprayed concrete is an innovative method of remixing ordinary portland cement (OPC) concrete into a high-performance concrete (HPC) by adding cellular material and silica fume or other powdered admixturesat a jobsite.

Shotcrete Truck Safety

SEATBELTS, SEATBELTS, SEATBELTS! There, now that this is out of the way we can start.