The Outstanding Infrastructure Project
The Outstanding Architecture/New Construction Project
Honorable Mention
Dome Technology Corporate Headquarters
Dome Technology recently completed a new corporate office in Idaho Falls, ID.
Elephant Lands
Controversy surrounding keeping large mammals in zoos has recently increased in the zoological community.
The Outstanding Architecture/New Construction Project
Project Name:
Universal’s Volcano Bay
Orlando, FL
Shotcrete Contractor:
The Nassal Compan
Morris Architect, Universal Creative, Graef Engineerin
Material Supplier/Manufacturer:
Cemax & Maschmeyer, Argos, HD Supply
Equipment Manufacturer:
General Contractor:
Austin Commercial
Project Owner:
Universal Resort Orlando
Honorable Mention
Sufism Reoriented Sanctuary
Sufism Reoriented is an American spiritual order that focuses on the principles of divine love as the central focus of their lives.