Right after the G8 summit in Japan 2008, the International Energy Agency was mandated to work on the development of technology roadmaps meant to identify specific industries and help governments in their quest for sustainable development.
Volumetric Batching of Wet-Mix Shotcrete
For decades, volumetric batching has been commonplace in the dry-mix shotcrete process.
Dry-Mix Equipment Maintenance
Maintaining your dry-mix shotcrete (gunite) equipment ensures that your crew will get the most efficient production, maximum service life, and safest operation from your machinery and accessories.
The Clamp That Failed
Job-Site Safety is More Than a Hard-Hat Sticker
Shotcrete Classics
Reprinted courtesy of Engineering News-Record, McGraw Hill Financial, November 9, 1933
Sustainable Shotcrete Using Blast-Furnace Slag
Two shotcrete mixtures were designed based on sustainability for use in mining ground support.
Material Velocity at the Nozzle
Since the early days of shotcrete, the reduction of rebound has been one of the major technical challenges of the industry due to its obvious impact on material and labor costs and, although less recognized, its detrimental effect on material properties.
In Memoriam: Ed Brady
Wlliam Edwin Brady died tragically at the age of 55 on May 30, 2013, leaving us shocked and heartbroken.
ACI Nozzleman Certification Sessions: What Not To Do
As most of Shotcrete magazine?s readership is probably aware, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) has a shotcrete nozzleman certification program for both dry- and wet-mix in vertical and overhead orientations.
Shotcrete Nozzlemen: ASA Educates ACI Certifies
How do we distinguish the role of the American Shotcrete Association (ASA) and the American Concrete Institute (ACI) when it comes to shotcrete nozzleman certification?