Shotcrete in Landscape Design

When we think of the shotcrete process, mental images of large industrial projects and repairs come to mind, such as tunnels, bridges, and drainage channels.

Industry Update

Many pool contractors?myself included? are skeptical of the majority of so-called ?awards programs? in the pool industry.

Top of the Class

Every so often, our company is confronted by the belief among certain design professionals that, as it is used by the pool industry, shotcrete is simply not viable for use as structural concrete in high-profile watershaping projects.

Saltwater Pools

By now, most people who have a pool or have been around pools in the last few years have heard about the ?new? technology of using salt water in pools.

Honoring the Past

I have always been proud of the fact that my family?s roots in our part of Connecticut date back to pre-revolutionary colonial times? 1659 to be exact.