Shotcrete shafts often present unique challenges for construction projects. In many cases the construction method is different from the one used in the main tunnel (often using a TBM), presenting challenges recruiting experienced and certified personnel for the shaft works.
Roadside Slope (Portuguese)
A utilização do concreto projetado revelou-se de suma importância no processo de tratamento dos taludes ao longo das margens da rodovia SP 333, no interior do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Essa aplicação concentrouse em uma extensão que abrange os quilômetros 337 a 385, que conectam as cidades de Marília e Assis. O emprego do concreto projetado nessa localidade representa não apenas uma escolha técnica, mas também uma resposta estratégica aos desafios apresent
Shotcrete as Roadside Slope Protection in Brazil
The use of shotcrete has proven to be of paramount importance in the treatment process of the slopes along the margins of SP 333 highway in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. This application focused on a stretch covering kilometers 337 to 385, connecting the cities of Marília and Assis. The implementation of shotcrete in this challenging location represents not only a technical choice but also a strategic response to the specific challenges presented by the slopes along this section of the highway
Building a swimming pool on the edge of a cliff can be an exciting and challenging project, especially when using shotcrete as the main building material. Shotcrete is chosen for its strength, durability, and ability to create complex shapes, which is essential for a pool in such a unique location.
Aqua-Environs Construction was subcontracted to provide shotcrete installations as a part of our broader scope of work: construction services to create a naturalistically themed terrestrial and aquatic habitats for Auckland Zoo’s new South East Asia Jungle Track (SEAJT), the Zoo’s most ambitious project in its 99-year history. Our company utilized shotcrete to help create natural, realistic animal habitat areas as well as public spaces to achieve engaging natural environments for animals and fish in the zoo’s care and for the zoo’s visitors.
Multi-million dollar underground stations are currently under construction on Metro and LRT lines in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Traditionally, the thick, heavily reinforced structural concrete station walls have been constructed using the conventional form-and-pour concrete construction method. This construction method, while widely used, is not without its challenges.
Many of the underground station sites are in congested urban areas with limited spaces for laydown of concrete formwork, and crane access time for handling and installation of formwork is often on a critical path for completion of station construction.