The use of structural shotcrete in lieu of ?form-andpour? is growing rapidly in the urban concrete building construction and civil infrastructure sectors throughout North America.
Shotcrete Lining Innovations in the United States
Historically, the permanent concrete linings for underground structures have been installed using form-and-pour methods but the use of shotcrete or sprayed concrete for the structural linings is becoming increasingly more common.
Can Supplemental Consolidation Extend the Limits of Shotcrete Placement
In many major metropolitan regions of the United States, shotcrete methods are being used daily to place concrete within elements incorporating large, highly congested reinforcement layouts.
Cellular Sprayed Concrete
Cellular sprayed concrete is an innovative method of remixing ordinary portland cement (OPC) concrete into a high-performance concrete (HPC) by adding cellular material and silica fume or other powdered admixturesat a jobsite.
Pier 57 Repair and Improvements
Pier 57, now referred to as ?SuperPier,? is situated on the Hudson River and sits at the end of 5th Street on the West side of Manhattan, NY, just south of the renowned Chelsea Piers sports complex and marina.
The Albertus L. Meyers Bridge
The Albertus L. Meyers Bridge, also known as the 8th Street Bridge, is located in Allentown, PA.
The Outstanding Architecture/New Construction Project
The Outstanding International Project
Honorable Mention
Shotcrete Segment of the O’Hare and Midway Reconstruction Project
This project was part of a 5-year, $39 million contract to repair both Midway and Chicago O?Hare International Airports and its surrounding property.