“Giving structural steel a protective rustÂproof and fireproof coating, without the use of forms … Lining tunnels, dry earth walls, irrigation ditches, etc. with a waterproof protective coating … Coating wood piles to protect them from destructive sea insects … Waterproofing concrete dams and reservoirs … Repairing defective concrete sea walls … And, coating frame houses, fac-tory curtain and inclosing walls, waterproofÂing, etc.”
ASA Holds Initial Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification
Streetsboro, Ohio, a small town just southeast of Cleveland, recently became the site for a landmark occasion in the shotcrete industry. For six days in SeptemÂber, 1999, the back lot of the Master BuildÂers’ manufacturing plant and a local hotel in Streetsboro became the venues for the first shotcrete nozzleman certification held by an industry association in North America.
Shotcrete Rehabilitation of a Vancouver, BC Historic
A heritage high-rise building in Vancouver, Canada required rehabilitation due to corroÂsion of the steel frame and cracking in the masonry infill. Brick masonry was segmentally removed from the face of this 15-story-high building to expose the steel beam and column framjng system. Steel corrosion products were removed by needle scaling and sandblasting. New steel plate was welded to the beams and columns where required to strengthen the structure to its original design. Rebar was installed in the previously brick-filled cover to the steel frame and a high quality, low permeability silica fume shotcrete was applied to encase the rebar and fill the void. The south side of the building was
Seismic Reinforcing of Masonry Walls With Shotcrete
Photos and newsclips showÂing hundreds of collapsed homes buryÂing entire families have become all too commonplace. As residents of North America we are thankful that this sort of calamity doesn’t happen here. The earthÂquakes we’re used to seeing (mainly in California) cause inconvenience and in some cases property damage, injury and even some deaths, but nothing as cataÂstrophic as in Turkey this year and Azerbaydzhan a few years back.
A Concrete Building That Requires No Heating
Though built near Chicago, where temperatures plummet below 0° F (-18° C) in the winter and exceed 100° F (38° C) in the summer, the 430,000-square-foot (39,948 m2) warehouse of. Roman Inc. has no heating or air condiÂtioning units. Only the dock areas, winÂdowed offices, and lunchroom have heatÂing and air conditioning units, and even they have only one-fourth the units that a conventional building would need. DeÂspite this, the temperature in the wareÂhouse stays about 70° F (21 ° C) year round. How is this possible?
Shotcrete for Underground Support in Brazil
Shotcrete has been used in Brazil since the 1950s, mainly in minor works of slope stabilization and repairs in concrete structures. It was only in the 1960s that it started to be used in underground work. The Furnas Hydroelectric Project had some sections of its diversion tunnels, where the ground was a highly fractured and weathered quartzite, lined with steel bar reinforced shotcrete. The good perÂformance in Furnas led many other hydroelectric projects to adopt shotcrete lining in their tunnels, replacing previously specified cast concrete.
Shotcrete Applications at Northparkes E26 Mine
Shotcrete was used extensively during construction of Northparkes E26 Underground Mine, Australia’s first block cave mine. Applications for the shotcrete included ground support, ground control, construction, safety, protection of equipment and remedial repairs. This article details the various uses for the 16,700 m3 (22,000 yd3) of shotcrete applied at Northparkes, the experiences gained during conÂstruction, and discusses whether the design expectations have been achieved.
Shotcrete Expands Gambling in Colorado
The old mining towns of Central City and Black Hawk, Colorado have enjoyed legalized limjted stakes gambling for the past eight years. Not coincidentally, property values are at their highest levels ever. Commercial developers wanting to get in on the action continue to search for possible sites for casinos and resorts. The high price of “traditional” real-estate has led to an unusual solution. The developers have started to cut away at the steep slopes that surround the towns and put casinos and resorts where mountains once stood. But cutting away mounÂtains leads to conditions of instability, for which corrective measures must be taken.
Estimating Volume of Shotcrete for Mining Applications
Traditionally, there has been a rather ad hoc attitude toÂwards technical supervision of mining engineering ground control programs, to the extent that the preparation and enforcement of specifications has not been a major issue. In certain locations, however, the dominant use of conÂtracting companies to provide mining-related services has meant that structured specifications are needed to ensure the high quality of the end-product. This is perhaps parÂticularly the case with shotcrete (1) now that more and more mines are using the process and product to enhance the ground control regime within the mine.
Bond Strength of Shotcrete Repair
A good concrete or shotcrete repair must possess three prime charÂacteristics: 1) the repair material must be durable in an aggressive environment, 2) the repair must be well bonded to the substrate and 3) the repair must be as crack free as possible to efficiently protect any embedded steel reinforcement from corroding.