Performance vs Prescription Based Shotcrete Specifications

In prescription-based specifications the engineer will typically set out in detail all requirements for the materials and shotcrete mixture proportioning as well as the type of equipment required for batching, mixing, supply, and application of shotcrete. In performance-based specifications the engineer will specify the required performance characteristics for the shotcrete and let the contractor select the materials, mixture proportions, type of equip­ment and application procedures to be used. In general, perfor­mance-based specifications are preferred to prescription-based specifications in that they encourage innovation and introduction of new technology and generally result in lowest cost to the owner. Let us examine in some detail the differences

ASA- A Needed Voice for a Diverse Procedure

Shotcrete is a unique procedure for placing concrete or mortar. Because of its substantial advantages, it has found use in a wide variety of very different applications. This has unfortunately led to much misunderstanding and few, if any, practitioners that have experience in all of the different types of applications.

Shotcrete, Airplanes, and Automobiles

“Giving structural steel a protective rust­proof and fireproof coating, without the use of forms … Lining tunnels, dry earth walls, irrigation ditches, etc. with a waterproof protective coating … Coating wood piles to protect them from destructive sea insects … Waterproofing concrete dams and reservoirs … Repairing defective concrete sea walls … And, coating frame houses, fac-tory curtain and inclosing walls, waterproof­ing, etc.”

ASA Holds Initial Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification

Streetsboro, Ohio, a small town just southeast of Cleveland, recently became the site for a landmark occasion in the shotcrete industry. For six days in Septem­ber, 1999, the back lot of the Master Build­ers’ manufacturing plant and a local hotel in Streetsboro became the venues for the first shotcrete nozzleman certification held by an industry association in North America.