Rebound is an essential element in the application of shotcrete.
Hard Hats and Beer Cans…Now and Then
Why do we wear hard hats? Is it because the sky is falling?
Shotcrete Nozzlemen: ASA Trains – ACI Certifies
How do we distinguish the role of the American Shotcrete Association (ASA) and the American Concrete Institute (ACI) when it comes to shotcrete nozzleman certification?
Overspray and Safety
I can?t remember how many times I have been asked, ?What do you do?? My answer is, ?We spray concrete.?
Introduction: Application and Use of Shotcrete
The following article was reproduced from the January 1981 issue of Concrete International with permission from the American Concrete Institute.
ACI 506 – A Must-Have Item
ACI 506R, “Guide to Shotcrete” is a comprehensive document that provides a foundation of information essential for anyone interested in the shotcrete process,
Go for the Cure in 2008
Have you ever heard anyone say: ?That concrete was cured too much?? We haven?t either
Fiber-Reinforced Shotcrete for Underground Mines in the New Millennium
Shotcrete mixture designs for underground applications vary from mine to mine throughout North America,
Limestone Filler in Wet-Mix Shotcrete
The introduction of limestone filler in concrete mixtures has received increasing attention from researchers over the last decade.
Shotcrete: A Versatile Construction Solution
In the inaugural edition of Shotcrete in February 1999, I had the privilege of writing the first Shotcrete Corner for the magazine.