In the beginning, man created the dry-mix process…and it was good. Today, both the dry- and the wet-mix processes are in use.
What You Need to Know Before Selecting a Wet-Mix Shotcrete Pump
Wet-mix shotcrete is a method of placing concrete.
Greater capacity through continuous feeding.
Dry-Mix Guns
Basically, three different types of shotcrete guns exist for the dry-mix process, all of which work on the suspension-conveying principle.
Shotcrete Equipment: Wet or Dry?
When I was first asked to write an article with ?Wet or Dry? in the title, I was sure this topic had been beaten to death.
Matching Equipment to Process: The Predampener
As one who promotes choosing process before product, I believe that the success of any project also depends on matching the appropriate equipment to the process/product chosen.
The Versatile Nature of Shotcrete
There have been times when many of us have driven along the highway and seen soil nailing used to expand the lanes of the freeway, canals being rehabilitated during a dry-up period, or new buildings with below-grade walls used for parking.
Fiber-Reinforced Shotcrete in the Australian Underground Mining Industry
The majority of underground metalliferous mines in Australia, comprising more than 60 individual mines, now use fiber-reinforced shotcrete (FRS) and bolts as the primary means of ground stabilization.
Thin-Shell Concrete Dome Constructed by Gunite Method
Requirements of the owner for an auditorium-type church,
Shotcrete Rebound? How Much is Enough?
Rebound is an essential element in the application of shotcrete.