Today we are inundated with the goal of green building, LEED points, eco-communities, our ecological footprint, global warming, resource management, and many other accolades of sustainability.
Is Shotcrete Sustainable?
The shotcrete process was developed over 100 years ago.
Is Your Wet-Mix Placement System Safe?
It?s lucky no one was killed,? said the nozzleman. ?I just didn?t see it,? was the only explanation offered by the pump operator.
Rigging for Shotcrete
I am not going to talk about hardhats, safety glasses, or hearing protection.
Wet-Process Shotcrete Placement Formula for Nozzlemen: M+A+R+V+S=PHD
The formula M+A+R+V+S=PHD is defined as material, air, reinforcing, velocity, slump= pattern of spray, height of lift in one pass, distance of nozzle from receiving surface.
Are You Using the Right Wet-Mix Nozzle?
My first shotcrete nozzle was a lot like my first car. I thought it was the best thing ever, until I replaced it and found out how truly bad it was.
Certification vs. Qualification of Shotcrete Nozzlemen
In 2000, ACI, in cooperation with ASA, established a formal certi?cation program for certifying shotcrete nozzlemen.
Get Your Nozzlemen Certified
In 1998 we started a shotcrete project on a dam near Altoona, PA, that called for nozzleman certification.
Concrete Burns
Skin irritations or cement burns caused by contact with wet concrete are a daily hazard faced by concrete and shotcrete workers.
Scaffolding by the Pros?
I just had a professional scaffolding contractor set up one of our shotcrete jobs. I thought that because I was hiring a firm specializing in scaffolding, I would have a clean and safe workplace for the shotcrete crew.