Estimating Volume of Shotcrete for Mining Applications

Traditionally, there has been a rather ad hoc attitude to­wards technical supervision of mining engineering ground control programs, to the extent that the preparation and enforcement of specifications has not been a major issue. In certain locations, however, the dominant use of con­tracting companies to provide mining-related services has meant that structured specifications are needed to ensure the high quality of the end-product. This is perhaps par­ticularly the case with shotcrete (1) now that more and more mines are using the process and product to enhance the ground control regime within the mine.

Shotcrete Reinforcement

Before the 1970s, shotcrete was reinforced either with conventional reinforcing steel welded wire mesh fabric, or in some in­stances with chain-link mesh or even chicken mesh. In the early 1970s the con-Dr. D.R. (Rusty) cept of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete

Rehabilitation of Sanitary and Storm Sewers Using Shotcrete

The infrastructure of the United States is crumbling above, below, and around us. A considerable segment of the public and private engineering community is currently engaged in solving a geo­metrically increasing problem with geometrically decreasing funds. The problem is often compounded since maintenance of public works facilities must be paid for using public funds. This article will introduce a process for solving these problems that has actu­ally been around for many years-the process of using shotcrete or gunite to rehabilitate old, damaged, or otherwise substandard existing sewers.

Dry, Pre-mixed Shotcrete Supply for Tunnels and Mines

Tunneling and mining projects use shotcrete primarily as a means of ground support. Immediate application of shotcrete provides stability of the working face, prevent­ing loose rock from initiating movement and thus permit­ting incremental advances of underground openings even in the worst ground conditions (type V rock) or clays.