The Morris Street Bridge Rehabilitation

In 2009, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and the city of Indianapolis began planning for the rehabilitation of the Morris Street Bridge, one of the oldest in the city.

Pineda Causeway Bridge Rehabilitation

The Pineda Causeway Bridge, located along Florida State Route 404, is one of three similar, high-rise bridges linking mainland Florida?s east coast to the barrier islands on the Atlantic Coast, where the Kennedy Space Center and Patrick Air Force Base are located at Cape Canaveral.

Chetoogeta Mountain W&A Railroad Tunnel

Historical restoration/preservation is not only a challenging field of construction but also one that offers the special reward of preserving history for future generations,

RAM Construction Services Makes History

The St. Paul Union Depot, also known affectionately as SPUD, was originally built in 1881, at which time it became a landmark transportation facility in downtown St. Paul, MN.