Robinson Creek Tunnel Fire

On the eve of Saturday, April 26, 2014, an arson fire engulfed a CSX Transportation railroad tunnel near Robinson Creek, KY, cutting off service to two active coal mines in the area.

Northern Boulevard Crossing Tunnel CQ039

The Northern Boulevard Crossing tunnel is a crucial link for the East Side Access Program linking Long Island Rail Road trains to Grand Central Station, New York City.

The Energy Innovation Center

For many years, the Connelley Vocational School stood at the top of Bedford Avenue on ?The Hill,? as it is locally known, overlooking downtown Pittsburgh, PA.

Layers in New York City Overhead Tunnels

The New York City Transit (NYCT) Metropolitan Transportation Authority Capital Construction (MTACC) has several largescale projects throughout New York, including one major program: the East Side Access project.

The Outstanding Repair & Rehabilitation Project

Project Name:
Société de transport de Montréal – Metro Yellow Line Tunnel Repairs

Montréal, QC Canada

Shotcrete Contractor:
Construction Interlag Inc

Société de transport de Montréal

Material Supplier/Manufacturer:
King Shotcrete Solutions

General Contractor:
Construction Interlag Inc

Project Owner:
Société de transport de Montréal