Honorable Mention

Project Name:
Pier 10 Prestressed Concrete Girder Repairs

Brooklyn, NY

Shotcrete Contractor:
Eastco Shotcrete LLC

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

Material Supplier/Manufacturer:
King Packaged Materials

Equipment Manufacturer:
King Shotcrete Equipment

General Contractor:
Eastco Shotcrete LLC

Project Owner:
The Port Authority of NY & NJ

The Pacific

The Pacific, at 2155 Webster Street in San Francisco, CA, is a concrete building with two levels below grade and nine levels above grade with a total of over 250,000 ft2 (23,000 m2) of usable space.

Durability of Shotcrete? Corrosion Protection

In a prior Shotcrete magazine article, Spring 2015, ?Durability and Exposure Conditions of Cementitious Materials ? Deterioration Mechanisms,?1 the author discussed durability as it relates to the placement environment.