Art, Animals, and Architecture: Shotcrete Builds National Aquarium in Baltimore

It has been widely known for several decades that shotcrete is an ideal material for constructing naturalistic habitats for animals. When fresh concrete is freed from the constraining requirements of a rigid form, it can be shaped and carved in much the same way a sculptor handles clay or a piece of marble, but on a dimensional scale that is only limited by money or imagination. Shotcrete is also an incredibly versatile building material, which means it can serve many purposes on a project that ambitiously demands the blending of architecture, engineering, and aesthetic innovation.
America™s National Aquarium is located in Baltimore, MD. The designers for the recent Pier 3 Expansion project aspired to replicate the water-shed forest of rural Maryland and, in contrast, the

The Jardin Zoologique Project Experience

An extension to the Quebec City Zoo in Quebec City, Canada, will incorporate over 100 acres of new landscaping that will house more than 500 animal species from five different continents. The Jardin Zoologique construction project will host a new zoological garden that will be used to exhibit a spectacular expansion of its bird collection as well as an accentuation and harmonization of its horticultural infrastructures. The architects on the project (a European and Quebec collaboration) are specialists in the field of architectural shotcrete and were asked to investigate various available options for the design of the architectural exhibits of this important new zoo expansion. Atelier Artistique du Béton

Lightweight Shotcrete Canoe

Abstract: This paper describes how under-graduate students at Laval University managed to develop and use a shotcrete technique for a small construction application. This technique was developed especially for an engineering competition. The students had to build a canoe made out of concrete. It had to be as light as possible and strong enough to survive a race with four paddlers aboard. So, a pumpable light-weight concrete and a shotcrete technique were developed to construct the canoe.

Every year since 1988 in the USA, Master Builders Technologies has sponsored a civil engineering competition. Undergraduate students are chal-lenged to design a concrete mix to build a canoe. In the USA, there are 20 regional competitions. The winners of these regional competitions are invited to the national competition. The winning team from the Canadian competition is also invited to the national competition as an interna-tional entry. To evaluate teams, they must race the canoe, have a display in which technical information is presented, and give an oral presen-tation. The final product is evaluated at the beginning of the races, and at the middle day of the competition for durability. Each team must also produce a design paper in which they explain how they designed and built the canoe, and also how they developed their concrete mix design.

Enhancing Our Environment with Artificial Rockwork

Shotcrete that can enhance a project aesthetically, structurally. or both. The strength and durability of shotcrete have been combined with the naturally
pleasing apple.1r.111ce of rockworl< to make a visually appealing structure in a natural setting.

The Shotcrete Troll

Mr. lvo Caprino was the artist behind the idea and the sculpturing of the troll. He also produced the head of the troll, which is made of glass liner and polyester.
its body was pre,and as a Ligh1 wood frame, which was covered by a reinforced plastic shec1 fixed to the wooden frame by staples. On top of this. three layers of hot¢ dip galvanized chicken mc$h were installed. Staples weresho1 into the wooden frame to tie down and tighten the layers of mesh.

Shotcrete Used to Construct North America’s Largest Skate Park

What better way LO get kid· off the couch and into the fresh air than b giving them their own extreme sp ns park! With this in mind. the city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, decided to con truck the largest skateboard park facility of its kind in North America. The Shaw Millennium Park, which opened in September 2000 i. part of Calgary’s Millennium Project, which will offer l.2 hectares (3 acres) of extreme sport paradise e to it all lev­el, including beginner, intermediate, and expert: a snake run (future)· and the only 9 meters (30 ft) full pip in North America.