RepairQ There is a dam rehabilitation project where stepped reinforced cement concrete (RCC) was used for overflow protection. The surface is spalling rather badly and testing indicated that the RCC was marginal for long-term durability. Is it feasible to place shotcrete over RCC to improve aesthetics and provide additional strength and durability?
Shotcrete has been used for over 100 years for slope stabilization on natural soils. Your self-consolidating concrete (SCC) sounds like it could be considered a high-grade soil, so stabilization and protection of the SCC with shotcrete is certainly a good application for shotcrete. The fresh surface of the shotcrete can receive a wide variety of finishes, from an as-shot finish (rough) to a floated or even stamped or carved look. You should consider appropriate amounts of reinforcement (reinforcing bars and/or fibers) to control potential shrinkage cracking, as appropriate for your exposure and serviceability requirements.