GeneralQ I’m looking for information on the quantity of rebound expected when applying shotcrete against soil. We have a W4 4 x 4 in. (102 x 102 mm) layer of mesh 2 in. (51 mm) from the soil face that is covered by a 4 in. (102 mm) initial layer of shotcrete. Is there a general ballpark figure that can be used, such as a percent of the total shotcrete placed?
Your question does not indicate the orientation of the application. If the shotcrete is being applied to a sloped surface for a channel or slope the rebound should be incidental. If shooting a vertical wall, the amount of rebound is relative to the skill of the nozzleman, the quality or nature of the mixture, the shotcrete process being used (wet-mix or dry-mix), the stability of the wire mesh, and other parameters. The range could easily vary from 5 to 20% on vertical walls relative to the aforementioned listed parameters.