UndergroundQ I am bidding a tunnel project and am uncertain about part of the specifications. Are specifications for shotcrete temperature different for the wet and dry processes? Are there separate requirements for the shotcrete, ambient, and surface temperatures? Can you refer me to industry standards?
The requirements for material temperatures are the same for both wet and dry shotcreting. Refer to Sections 8.7 and 8.8 of ACI 506R-90, “Guide to Shotcrete,” for recommended shotcrete temperatures during placement. Additional information is available in ACI 506.2-95, “Specification for Shotcrete,” in the sections on hot and cold weather shotcreting. Generally, concrete mixtures should be maintained at temperatures above 50 °F (10 °C) and below 100 °F (38 °C). Ambient temperatures should be maintained in a similar range.
Regarding surface temperatures, concrete should never be placed on a frozen substrate. Practical experience in Canadian mines has lead to a suggested minimum temperature of 40 °F (4 °C) for the rock receiving the shotcrete. Without special measures, cold temperatures will cause the shotcrete to set more slowly and result in slower strength development. Remember that in thin sections, the shotcrete will lose its heat more quickly in cold conditions.