GeneralQ I am a project engineer. Recently I received a mixture design for a shotcrete project that included limestone coarse aggregate. This is a first for me. All other shotcrete mixtures I have seen have had pea gravel as a coarse aggregate or no coarse aggregate at all. Is limestone commonly used in shotcrete?
A limestone coarse aggregate will generally be harder and more angular than what you are used to seeing in shotcrete mixtures. It really shouldn’t be a problem to use. In dry-process gunning, it is considerably more abrasive so there is more wear and tear on equipment, such as hoses, bowls, and wear plates, but it generally guns fine. In wet-process gunning, a sharper aggregate may not flow as easily through the hoses as smoother sand and pea gravel aggregates would. These are issues that the shotcrete contractor will have to address. They should have no effect on the quality of the in-place shotcrete.