GeneralQ Can you refer me to the standards for adding water to ready mixed shotcrete?
Wet-mix shotcrete is a placement method for concrete. Ready mixed concrete used for wet-mix shotcrete needs to meet the requirements of ACI 506.2-13, “Specification for Shotcrete.” ACI 506.2 specifies concrete materials shall meet ASTM C94/C94M, “Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete.” ACI 506.2 also requires you shall batch, mix, and deliver wet-mixture shotcrete in accordance with Specification C94/C94M, or Specification C1116/C1116M if fiber-reinforced. Further guidance may be found in ACI 506R-05, “Guide to Shotcrete,” and ACI 304R-00, “Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete.”