GeneralQ ACI 506R-16 discusses surface preparation requirements for various substrate surfaces and notes that for earth surfaces shotcrete shall not be placed on frozen ground. There does not appear to be any specific temperature requirement for other substrate materials, however. For concrete or masonry sub-straight surfaces, are there temperature requirements for shotcrete application in situations where bond is not required?
All surfaces receiving shotcrete should be above freezing. The mandatory requirements of ACI 506.2-13, “Specification for Shotcrete,” specifies:
“3.4.5 Cold weather shotcreting—Unless otherwise specified, shooting may proceed when ambient temperature is 40°F and rising. Stop shooting when ambient temperature is 40°F and falling, unless measures are taken to protect the shotcrete. Shotcrete material temperature, when shot, shall not be less than 50ºF. Do not place shotcrete against frozen surfaces.”
Your question then asks about substrate temperatures for sections not requiring bond. The concern of frozen concrete is not only bond, but an issue with freezing of some thickness of the concrete that would prevent strength gain. For requirements on this, ACI 301-16, “Specifications for Structural Concrete,” would likely apply and requires:
“ Cold weather—Concrete temperatures at delivery shall meet the requirements of Do not place concrete in contact with surfaces less than 35°F. Unless otherwise specified, this requirement shall not apply to reinforcing steel.”
There is a discrepancy between ACI 301 and ACI 506.2. The ACI 301 value (35°F) is somewhat more conservative, though ACI 506.2 provisions (32°F) have proven to produce quality shotcrete. You may consider asking the Engineer of Record for your project what minimum substrate temperature is acceptable on your specific job.