The ASA Contractor Qualification Program (CQP) is a straight-forward program that helps establish a shotcrete contractor’s qualifications by review of the contractor’s previous work. This review is conducted by the Review Task Group within the Contractor Qualification Committee, whose members have extensive experience in successful shotcrete work. This qualification program provides a distinct service to the industry by assuring specifiers that shotcrete contractors reviewed here have a proven work record for completion of successful projects of similar work and scope. This qualification program is based on the ASA Board Position Paper, “Qualifications of the Shotcrete Construction Team.”
Levels of Qualification:
There are two levels of qualification, Level I and Level II in the process(es), i.e. wet-mix or dry-mix, appropriate to the work performed by applicant.
- Shotcrete Contractor (Level I) – Representative projects which have thin, lightly-reinforced shotcrete sections that can be easily accessed and placed would be considered “Level I”.
- Shotcrete Contractor (Level II) – Representative projects which have thick, heavily-reinforced sections or sections with difficult access would be considered “Level II”.
Program Requirements:
- Identify a Qualifying Individual (QI) to attend the required CQ Seminar and successfully complete the required written exam. Please contact ASA for the next available seminar: [email protected] | 248/983.1702. (The seminar will also provide helpful insights for completion of the CQ application.)
- Documentation of company equipment and shotcrete staff, including list of certified nozzlemen
- Documentation of FIFTEEN (15) projects successfully completed in the last 3 – 5 years (per level pursued) representative of the level of qualification pursued in the application.
Click here to review the full policy for help in completing your application
If you have any questions, please contact ASA at 248.983.1702 or [email protected]
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