StructuralGeneralQ We are working on a large infrastructure project in New York state. We have access and approval issues for a new concrete mixture design. Our understanding is we can specify a Pre-Bagged or Pre-Packaged Shotcrete mix for a wet-mix application. Is this the correct terminology? Are there companies that produce this type of product?
We see both Pre-Bagged and Pre-Packaged terminology used. ASTM C1480 / C1480M – 07(2012) uses the rather unwieldy “Standard Specification for Packaged, Pre-Blended, Dry, Combined Materials for Use in Wet or Dry Shotcrete Application.” Most suppliers of packaged dry concrete materials for shotcrete have formulations designed for wet-mix applications. You can find our corporate members who supply pack-aged materials on our website in the Buyers Guide (, select the Category, “Shotcrete Materials-Mixture Sales” and the Subcategory, “Wet Mix.”