About ASA Committees

Committee meetings are open to the public and ASA welcomes and encourages the participation of all interested parties in the shotcrete industry.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have supervision, control, and direction of the affairs of the Association, shall determine its policies within the limits of the ASA bylaws, shall actively pursue its purpose and shall oversee the disbursement of its funds.

ASA Officers

Oscar Duckworth
Applied Shotcrete

Vice President
Bill Geers

Jason Myers
Dees Hennessey Inc

Kevin Robertson
Sika – STM (USA)

Past President
Frank Townsend
Patriot Shotcrete

ASA Directors

Bruce Russell (2027)
Crom LLC

Randle Emmrich (2027)
Coastal Gunite Construction Company

Christoph Goss (2027)
Schnabel Engineering

Juanjose Armenta-Aguirre (2026)
Gunite Supply & Equipment Co

Mark Bradford (2026)
Spohn Ranch Skateparks

Justin Shook (2026)
Baystate Shotcrete LLC

Michael Klemp (2025)
Thorcon Shotcrete & Shoring

Jamie Curtis (2025)
CCP Shotcrete + Pumping

Derek Pay (2025)
Oceanside Construction

Contractor Qualification Committee

Mission Statement: To develop and maintain ASA’s Contractor Qualification Program.

Marcus von der Hofen, Chair
Coastal Gunite Construction Co.

Education & Safety Committee

Mission Statement: To gather and communicate safe practices and quality placement standards in the shotcrete industry.

Derek Pay, Chair
Oceanside Construction

Membership & Marketing Committee

Mission Statement: To broaden and engage the ASA membership base while supporting ASA committees in their marketing efforts.

Jason Myers, Chair
Dees-Hennessey, Inc.

Pool & Recreational Shotcrete Committee

Mission Statement: To educate and promote the proper use and application of shotcrete to the swimming pool and recreational shotcrete industry.

Ryan Oakes, Chair
Revolution Gunite

Technical Committee

Mission Statement: To oversee the technical activities of ASA, including the review and evaluation of technical presentations, publications, handouts, etc., and the appraisal of research projects under consideration for ASA sponsorship.

Lihe (John) Zhang, Chair
LZhang Consulting & Testing Ltd.

Underground Committee

Mission Statement: To educate and promote the use and proper application of shotcrete to the underground construction and mining industries.

Christoph Goss, Chair
Schnabel Engineering