Shotcrete magazine, the quarterly publication of ASA, is the leading magazine of the shotcrete industry, and is designed to educate and promote the use of shotcrete as a method of placing concrete. To view the full issue and to subscribe for free, click here.
Gunite Versus Shotcrete in Swimming Pool Construction
In this issue, two members of the ASA Board of Directors, Mason Guarino and Ryan Oakes, clarify terminology that often leads to the debate and provide comparisons of both the dry-mix process and the wet-mix process in swimming pool construction. Click here to view the full article.
Visit ASA at WOC, Booth #S11038
ASA Shotcrete Contractor Education at WOC
January 23, 2019 | Las Vegas Convention Center
WOC Registration Codes: ASAWEX – with reference materials and exam;
ASAWE – seminar only, no materials or exam
Concrete contractors interested in learning more of the details and requirements for quality shotcrete placement of structural concrete will find this seminar highly beneficial. This course provides “best practices” for the shotcrete contractor looking to grow and increase productivity and quality in their shotcrete applications.
A thorough knowledge of shotcrete placement for concrete construction, including logistics (site and project), environmental requirements, safety, crew requirements, shotcreting equipment, concrete mixture design, QA/QC, surface preparation, formwork, reinforcements, embedments, placement, finishing, curing, and protection will be covered.
Course with Reference Materials and Exam
ACI/ASTM Reference documents provided with the seminar include:
• ACI 506.2-13, “Specification for Shotcrete;”
• ACI 506R-16, “Guide to Shotcrete;” and
• Seven ASTM/shotcrete-related testing standards compiled in one reference document.
Those qualifying individuals pursuing ASA Contractor Qualification for their company need to attend the 7-hour course and take a 90-minute written exam at the end of the seminar. Click here for more information about the Shotcrete Contractor Education.
Attending the Shotcrete Convention?
ASA is proud to host its second Shotcrete Convention & Technology Conference, at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort, in Fernandina Beach, FL, February 24 - 26, 2019. The 2-day Shotcrete Convention will feature 18 technology conference presentations, providing attendees the opportunity to explore shotcrete applications and innovations as well as future advancements in the industry. Reservations at The Omni Amelia Island Plantations Resort, is now open at Please make your reservations as space is limited!
Sponsor the ASA Shotcrete Convention
We invite you to support the ASA Shotcrete Convention & Technology Conference with your sponsorship and optionally secure an exhibit reservation today! The Shotcrete Convention offers exceptional promotional opportunities to reach key leaders in the shotcrete industry. Sponsor and Exhibitor names and logos will appear in:
- Banner displays and signage in the Exhibit Hall during the convention;
- Convention program recognition; and
- Opportunity for those NOT exhibiting to supply materials for distribution at ASA’s Registration table in the Exhibit Hall.
In addition, Sponsors and Exhibitors will receive exposure at the Annual Awards Banquet, Shotcrete magazine, ASA website, and more! Click here for more details.Text Link
Zero-Lot-Line Shotcrete of Basement Walls
ASA Executive Director, Charles Hanskat, along with ASA members Marcus von der Hofen and Frank Townsend will be presenting at the 68th Concrete Conference at Earle Brown Heritage Center, Brooklyn Center, MN, at the University of Minnesota. Zero-lot-line building foundations have been widely used for supporting new structures in close proximity to existing buildings in congested metropolitan areas. This ASA presentation will cover design and construction aspects of these walls, and highlight how shotcrete placement provides superior strength, flexibility, efficiency, and durability. For more information about the conference, click here.Text Link
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About ASA
The American Shotcrete Association (ASA), headquartered in Farmington Hills, MI, is a non-profit organization of contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, designers, engineers, owners, and others with a common interest in advancing the use of shotcrete. Founded in 1998, ASA increases awareness of the shotcrete process in concrete construction.