Shotcrete magazine, the quarterly publication of ASA, is the leading magazine of the shotcrete industry, and is designed to educate and promote the use of shotcrete as a method of placing concrete. To view the full issue and to subscribe for free, click here.
ASA President John Zhang discusses the evolution of concrete and its inherent benefits in his recent President Memo in the latest issue of Shotcrete magazine. From the inception of dry-mix (gunite) in 1907 to shotcrete being used to construct a sliding track for bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton competitions at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Zhang discusses the advances of shotcrete technologies over the years. Click here for the full article.
ASA's 2-day Shotcrete Convention & Technology Conference will provide the industry a focused opportunity to explore shotcrete applications and innovations as well as future advancements in the industry. Register by January 2, 2019, to be entered for a drawing for (1) complimentary full-page color ad ($1920 value) in the Spring 2019 issue of Shotcrete magazine OR a Golf Round for a foursome at Silverado Resort & Spa in Napa, CA, the course enjoyed by all at last year’s Convention. The online registration form will be available until February 18, 2019. Limited on-site registration will be available at the Omni. Don't miss out on the early-bird registration opportunity for the Shotcrete Convention and register by January 2, 2019! For more information about registration, click here.
Visit ASA at WOC, Booth #S11038
ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification
The ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification is an industry-wide recognition of demonstrated knowledge, via written exam, and ability to properly place shotcrete, via performance exam(s). For information about this certification, click here.
Shotcrete Nozzleman Education
January 22, 2019 | Las Vegas Convention Center
WOC Registration Codes: English – ASATU; Spanish – ASASTU
The American Shotcrete Association is offering the opportunity for both English- and Spanish-speaking nozzlemen to attend the required classroom education (for both wet- and dry-mix certification).
ACI Wet-Mix Performance Exam
January 24, 2019 | Henderson, NV
To fulfill ACI Wet-Mix Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification requirements, vertical and overhead performance exams and written exams will be available at a local contractor facility. Click here for Wet-Mix Vertical Certification registration from our local host. Those who are interested in Overhead Panel Certification, please e-mail [email protected].
ASA Contractor Qualification Program
The ASA Contractor Qualification (CQ) Program provides education and expert review of a shotcrete contractor’s past projects. Those contractors who fully meet the requirements will be designated and publicly listed as ASA-Qualified Shotcrete Contractors. For more information, click here.
Who Benefits From the Program?
• Owners wanting a quality, durable concrete structure with shotcrete placement;
• Shotcrete contractors wanting public acknowledgment of their commitment to quality; and
• Specifiers who want expert guidance on the shotcrete contractor’s qualifications.
What's Involved?
1. Attend an ASA full-day Shotcrete Contractor Education Seminar and successfully complete the CQ written exam by the company’s Qualifying Individual; and
2. Complete the CQ online application for the process (wet- or dry-mix) and level sought (basic or advanced).
Upcoming ASA Contractor Education Opportunities:
January 23, 2019, World of Concrete, Las Vegas, NV, click here for details.
February 24, 2019, Shotcrete Convention & Technology Conference, Fernandina, FL, click here for details.
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About ASA
The American Shotcrete Association (ASA), headquartered in Farmington Hills, MI, is a non-profit organization of contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, designers, engineers, owners, and others with a common interest in advancing the use of shotcrete. Founded in 1998, ASA increases awareness of the shotcrete process in concrete construction.